

Culture Analysis

  I know “company culture” has become a bit of a buzz phrase these days, but in a competitive market your culture can make or break you. Too often I see business leaders with the mindset that they are doing someone a favor by letting them work; but in reality our business does not succeed without the […]

Really, Just 6 Seconds?

  As you know, there are a lot of reasons a hiring manager will skip over a resume.  I recently read an article from stating that on average a resume is only looked at for 6 seconds!  Even more alarming is that this is DOWN from 15 seconds a few years ago. A resume may be skipped over […]

Who Are You Looking At?

  As a business leader when you think of accountability, who is the first person you think of holding accountable – yourself or your team?  Leaders often fall into a pattern of looking at their team when there are problems. Sounds logical, right? If people in your organization are showing up late, leaving early, taking […]

Would You Let Employees Fail?

  Something I often talk about in Management Development training is autonomy for your employees. What is autonomy, and what does it mean to you as a business leader? According to the Google definition it is, “the right or condition of self government.” Digging deeper it also defines autonomy as, “freedom from external control or influence; independence.” […]

Should You Treat Others The Way You Want To Be Treated?

  What does the statement above mean to you? What does it mean to be intentional? How do you impact the lives of other people around you in business? Do you impact others by simply treating them fairly, or in a way that you want to be treated? Is that intentional? I am not implying you are […]

Do You Really Need To Hold Yourself Accountable?

Some might read the statement above and say to themselves, “No, absolutely not! I got this, and I don’t need anyone else telling me what to do!” After all, the reason you have strived for leadership is to lead, not answer to someone else right? Whether through management, or firing your bosses all together and […]

Is A Mastermind Group Right For You And Your Business?

Mastermind Groups have become extremely popular lately, and there are tons of articles you can find through a Google search that will point you in the direction of why it may be right for you. The one thing that is not being discussed is if you really need a Mastermind Group, and how you could […]

A Bad Hire Can be Costly

After arriving five or ten minutes late and taking another ten or fifteen minutes to settle into the day with a warm cup of coffee, everyone’s favorite employee has finally arrived. He’s the life of the office, full of stories and gossip, but empty of any real productivity or commitment to his assigned tasks. You […]